






Prof. John Mearsheimer : Trump and the Russia/China Alliance.

in an interview with Judge Napolitano, January 3, 2025.





I think once you get outside of the West, almost everybody thinks that the United States and the Europeans are morally bankrupt.

I mean, we are supporting—and I'm choosing my words carefully here—we are supporting a genocide in Gaza.

It's a genocide that people see on their computers and on their TVs on a daily basis.

So they know exactly what's going on here, and the hypocrisy is just quite stunning.

Because the West makes a big deal of the fact that it is morally virtuous, that we are, you know, an exceptional Nation—we stand taller, we see further. And when you think about the fact that we're complicit in a genocide, I mean, it looks like hypocrisy in the extreme. So I think outside the West, people understand full well that we are morally bankrupt.

And I think even inside the West, there are lots of people who have just begun to lose hope that we have our moral gyroscopes in place when it comes to dealing with the Middle East.

大胆に聞こえるかもしれないが、私は各国がアメリカとの関係を完全に断ち切ることを検討し始める時期に来ていると思う。 冗談で言っているのではない。 ジェノサイドのために苛まれ拍手喝采を強要されることを厭わない人々は、ジェノサイドのために苛まれ拍手喝采を強要されるだろう。 

トランプ政権下の米国は、バイデン政権下の米国がそうであったように、人類にとって悪夢となりつつある。 多くの国々は、文化的・政治的破壊という代償を払ってまで、アメリカから絶えず屈辱的な経済的利益を強要されるよりも、自分たちの独立と尊厳が必要だと気づくだろう。



Alon Mizrahi@alon_mizrahi  Jan 8, 2025

This may sound bold, but I really do think it is high time countries started considering severing ties with the US completely. I am not even joking. Those who are willing to be bullied and forced into standing ovations for genocide will be bullied and forced into standing ovations for genocide. 

The US under Trump is shaping up to be a nightmare for humanity - just as the US under Biden was. I am sure that if they look into it, many countries will discover they need their independence and dignity more than they need to be constantly humiliated and extorted by the US for some questionable economic benefits that come at the cost of cultural and political destruction.

Humanity survived hundreds of thousands of years without the US, and it can do it again easily. If and when the US decides it wants to be a normal country and not an empire and international criminal bully, its status may be reconsidered. 

Close the embassies and the bases and send the ambassadors and spies home, politely. You will be doing both your own citizens and American citizens a great service



