





I like to refer to the Republicans and the Democrats as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. There’s hardly any difference. I actually think the one exception is that former President Trump, when he became president in 2017, was bent on beating back the Deep State and becoming a different kind of leader on the foreign policy front. But he basically failed, and he’s vowed that if he gets elected this time, it will be different. He will beat back the Deep State. He will pursue a foreign policy that’s fundamentally different from what Republicans and Democrats have pursued up to now. The big question on the table is whether or not you think Trump can beat the Deep State and these two established parties. I’d bet against Trump.
ディープステートについて語るとき、私たちが実際に語っているのは行政国家についてである。19世紀後半から 20世紀初頭にかけて、アメリカ経済の発展により、国を統治するための強力な中央国家を育成する必要が生じたことを理解することが重要だ。


When we talk about the Deep State, we’re talking about the administrative state. It’s very important to understand that starting in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, given developments in the American economy, it was imperative that we develop — and this was true of all Western countries — a very powerful central state that could run the country. Over time, that state has grown in power, and since World War II, the United States, as you all know, has been involved in every nook and cranny of the world, fighting wars here, there, and everywhere. To do that, you need a very powerful administrative state that can help manage foreign policy. But in the process, what happens is you get all of these high-level bureaucrats, mid-level, and low-level bureaucrats who become established in positions in the Pentagon, the State Department, the intelligence community, you name it, and they end up having a vested interest in pursuing a particular foreign policy. The particular foreign policy that they like to pursue is the one that the Democrats and the Republicans are pushing.



Ukraine, Taiwan and The True Cause of War – John Mearsheimer

in an interview with John Anderson Dec 8, 2023

I would just preface my remarks by saying you want to understand that economics is not my forte. Geopolitics is. So what I say should be taken with a grain of salt.






Vladimir Putin, December 19, 2024 Moscow

Our economics are the ultimate measure of things. As is traditional, I will start with the economy. Although your question was a bit provocative, I will turn to the economy anyway. The economy is number one; it is the cornerstone. It has an impact on living standards, general stability, and the country's defence capability. The economy is everything.



As Good As It Gets By Michael Hudson, January 3, 2025

軍は戦い続けました。彼らはあなたを無視しただけです。指導部を一掃せずに、どうやってCIA、国家安全保障局、国務省、軍をコントロールするつもりですか?トランプさん、あなたは選挙に出馬するときにそうすると約束しました。あなたはディープステートからすべての敵を追い出したいと考えていました。軍隊、国務省、FBI、国家安全保障機関から敵を排除してから話をしませんか? 実際に権力を統合できれば、あなた方がこの問題と取引できる能力があることに気づくでしょう。 しかし今のところは、あなたのリーダーが誰であれ、そのリーダーに話を聞こう。
それはディープステートです。 今あなた方よりも強力に見える権力を持つ誰かと話をする。 しかし、私たちがあなたと話しているのは、原則的には良いことですが、過去3年間着実に発表してきた政策を変えるつもりはありません。 あなたが実行できないと思う約束をしたからといって、それを変えるつもりはありません。 あなたはバイデン大統領にとても似ています。 アメリカの大統領はディープステートのお飾り、フロントマンになっています。 そして、大統領職によってディープステートのコントロールを取り戻すまで、アメリカがどの国とも何に関しても取引できるとは思えません。
So, Mr. Trump, when you’re saying you’re proposing an agreement for us, first of all, how are you ever going to get your agreement through Congress? Congress is pushed by politicians that have made their whole career on fighting Russia. How can you control Congress? Secondly, even if Congress supported you, how are you going to have the army obey you? You tried to have the army stop fighting in Afghanistan.
They kept fighting. They just ignored you. How are you going to control the CIA and the National Security Agency and the State Department and the military without cleaning out the leadership? You promised to do that, Mr. Trump, when you’re running. You wanted to get all of your enemies out of the deep state. Why don’t we talk after you get your enemies out of the military, the State Department and the FBI and the National Security Agencies? When you actually can consolidate your power, then we’ll realize you have an ability to make a deal with this. But until now, let us talk to your leader, whoever your leader is.
It’s the deep state. Get somebody in authority that right now looks stronger than yours for us to talk to. But all we’re talking to you is something that would be nice in principle, but we’re not going to change our policy that we’ve announced steadily for the last three years. We’re not going to change that just on a promise that you make that we don’t think you can carry out. You’re very much like President Biden. Presidents in America have become figureheads, frontmen for the deep state. And until you regain control of the deep state by the presidency, I don’t see how America can make any deal with any country over anything.


金融資本主義とは、上位1%に属する人がいかにしてタダ飯を手に入れるかということだ。〔・・・〕基本的に金融資本主義とは、詐欺師が 99 パーセントの人々からお金を奪い、自分の手に収めることで金持ちになる機会を与えることである。
finance capitalism is all about how to get a free lunch if you're a member of the one percent.(…) that’s basically what finance capitalism is: opportunity for rip-off artists to get rich uh by taking money away from the 99 percent, into their own hands.
(マイケル・ハドソン「金融資本主義の自己破壊的性質」Finance Capitalism's Self-Destructive Nature By Michael Hudson July 18, 2022)

そんなもん、アメリカのシステムの座標軸の「革命」がない限り変わりようがないよ。金融資本の別名は利子生み資本だ。《利子生み資本全般はすべての狂気の形式の母である[Das zinstragende Kapital überhaupt die Mutter aller verrückten Formen]》 (マルクス『資本論』第三巻第二十四節)不動産屋トランプがこの狂気の母から逃れられる筈はない。



